Opening hours

MUJI Ravintola & Café

Mon – Wed 11-18 (kitchen 17.30)
Thu – Sat 11-18 (kitchen 16.30)
Sunday closed

MUJI Ravintola Dining

Mon – Wed Closed
Thu – Sat 17.30-22.00 (kitchen 20.00)
Sunday closed

19.6. – 6.8. Dining closed. 

Exceptional opening hours

Fri 18.4. closed
Mon 21.4. closed

Wed 30.4. 11-17.30 (kitchen 17.00)
Thu 1.5. closed

Ascension Day
Thu 29.5. 11-17.30 (kitchen 17.00), Dining Closed

Thu 19.6. 11-18 (kitchen 17.30), Dining closed
Fri – Sat 20.-21.6. closed

19.6. – 6.8. Dining Closed


MUJI Ravintola is located in connection with the MUJI Kamppi store, on the 4th floor of the Kamppi shopping centre.

When the store is closed, access to the restaurant is via lifts next to the entrances to either Annankatu or Narinkkatori.